Braco – The Fascinating World of Legend and Science
by Prof. Alex Schneider
E-Book (ePUB + PDF)
With this book, an attempt was made to illuminate the phenomenon of Braco from a wide variety of perspectives, so that it would finally become visible. This writing does not contain a unified theory, but a number of thought-provoking ideas. At the beginning of many groundbreaking phenomena there is skepticism, alienation, fear and often rejection. Our intellect, for all its intellectual training, is not always sufficient to grasp the unknown. Intellectuals in particular tend to dismiss non-medically verifiable successes with preconceived theories. Thus, new findings are subjected to a limited imagination and are often misinterpreted. In this respect, it takes more than orderly reason to interpret overwhelming mystical experiences. It needs intuition to classify the borderline experience we are confronted with here. Translated with (free version)
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